Dates for your diary
06.09.2024 Forest School sessions year 1,3,4
23.09.2024 Year 6 secondary school meeting
24.09.2024 Year 3 trip to Accrington Stanley
26.09.2024 Macmillan coffee morning
10.10.2024 9.00 am Harvest worship - parents welcome
14.10.2024 introducing Divali year 3
17.10.2024 Exhibition morning 9 - 10.30 parents welcome to come into school and see what their child has been learning about in class
17.10.2024 school closes for half term
18.10.2024 Inset Day
28.10.2024 Scholastic Book Fair Week
1.11.2024 Forest School Sessions year 2,5,6
4.11.2024 Parents Evening - informal no appointments necessary
6.11.2024 PGL year 5 and 6
11.11.2024 Remembrance Day Worship - parents welcome
13.11.2024 Flu vaccinations in school
21.11.2024 Friendship Day - wear orange
26.11.2024 Christmas Arts and Crafts 9 - 10.30 parents welcome
10.12.2024 KS1 show 10.00 and 2.00 pm
11.12.2024 Eucharist - parents welcome
11.12.2024 Christmas Dinner Day
12.12.2024 Christmas Present wrapping day - children can choose a present and wrap it up for their parents for Christmas (donations will be requested for the presents)
13.12.2024 Christmas Fair Day
16.12.2024 Carol Service - parents welcome
19.12.2024 Christmas Party Day
20.12.2024 School closes at 2.00 pm
7.01.2025 Back to school